Female Scammer Chetton how

 Chetton how

Female Scammer Chetton how

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First Name: Chetton
Location [Address]: unknown
Age: 25
Birth Date:
 Chetton how

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 Chetton how

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 Chetton how

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Reports :

-----Original Message-----
I'm sorry for my late respond, honey, i can't wait to meet you soon what really happen my designing manager that brought me down to South Africa, he went to travel to see wife that was sick he told me that he will be back soon. I have not hear from him i called him that i need to move away from South Africa to come and meet you my love ,and we need to pay the hotel bill before he left, i ask him for the hotel bill money but he told he have spend my money for is wife operation, that there is no money with him and i need to pay the bill before i leave the hotel and my traveling document is with the hotel management .

i do not know what to do and i need to meet you and start a new life with you. Yes, I want to meet you in person and start sharing everything with you. That was why i said my mind to you in my last letter. What i meant by mutual understanding is for both of us to understand each other without any misunderstanding. I have been feeling very bad for the past few days.

I must confess that i did not really know how to start this mail because i am not sure how you will take this but i will be more than glad if you will understand me very well and trust me… But before anything, let me tell you again that i am a born again Christian and very God fearing lady and i will never hurt a good feeling because i am not sure i can live with a conscience that does not judge me well.

Something is happening to me here that i would have told you before now, but i am not sure if it is the best thing to tell you or not but as things are going for me here now, i think it will be the best for me to let you know my mind. but first i will be very hurt if you doubt me in whatever way.

I will really feel sad. For you to know that there is no strings attached to it, I will explain everything in full details for you so that you can know that the situation i am facing here is really tough. At least if you are a bit curious, i will understand because of things that are happening in our world now. But i am just using this opportunity to tell you that i will never hurt your feelings. I was hurt before and i know bad it is to get hurt… I came down to South Africa here for two most important things,

1, I need some money to start my life all over again after all i have passed through after the death of my parents, i want to get enough money to establish myself based on my other professional line because even then i have been thinking of having my own company for designing works design. So when the opportunity came around to come down here and the cut of the money is good i decided to come down.

2, after the death of my father, things have not been the same for the family and to worsen the issue my mum's health has been very bad since then and her inability to get over the shock of dad's death caused her premature death too.

When i arrived here with the designing manager, we arrived at the capital city here in South Africa by the name Johannesburg, we got to the hotel and it was a great surprise for me when my promoter told me that we would have to organize hotel for ourselves and that we would have to register for one apartment hotel room because he couldn't afford to get two different room for both of us. It was then that i had started suspecting that something was wrong...

He told me that by the time the company we have come to work for here pay us that the hotel charges will be included. I strongly declined and told him to get a different room for me that i was going to need my privacy, it was then that i was taken to meet the manager of the hotel i am staying now and it was agreed between i and that promoter and the hotel manager that i would have my own personal hotel room and i would pay for it after we are paid by the clothing company here…

Today, it is 1month that i have been here in Africa the job has been over for the past two weeks now and it was the night the job ended that my promoter traveled down to US with an excuse that he wanted to go to attend to his wife was going through surgical operation and that he would also use that period to find another person that will work for him in his other jobs in Dubai because i have told him that i will be quitting the job when i get back to the USA.

He told me that he will pay me my entitlement after he is back that he was yet to have the check from the clothing company...

It is over two weeks now and i am yet to see him . I went yesterday to the embassy and after telling them my story, the consular really blamed me for being so foolish, he told me that they have really warned young artist about what the fucken promoters were doing to them everywhere in Africa and that they have placed it on publication through almost all available media everywhere.

But at the end of the day, they agreed to put me on a plane back home anytime i am ready. Now, i am all ready in fact i am all alone here and lonely and i am always afraid but i just always believe that God is my strength the main reason i am telling you all these is that when i got back to my hotel yesterday, i told him that i will be leaving soon and that i need to have my bills.

When the bill was brought to me, the money i am having with me could not complete the payment and i will still need like 850 euros to make the balance.
If you tell me to fuck off and never mail you again, i will surely understand you but i want you to know that all i have told you is nothing but the truth and i will pay you back immediately i am back home if you will accept me i can come first to you so that you will know i am not going to run away with your money.

I hope to hear some good news from you very soon as i am all ready to live here. Immediately i make the payment at the hotel here, i will go down to the airline and they will put me on a plane to wherever i want go.
Till i hear from you, i am praying that God touch your heart.

Stay blessed and safe.
Bye for now.
Sincerely yours,
Chetton cares...



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